Dealing with Oneself, Level 1
Boosting Potential
- Increase of frustration tolerance
- Recognizing one’s own behavioral patterns (which tend to repeat themselves if no counteractions are taken)
- Use of imaginative power (I am what I think.)
- Become relaxed
- Dealing with confrontations methodically
Target group
People who want to release energies to cope with even the most difficult situations
During the Training “Dealing with Oneself” the participants experience
- how to activate and regenerate their energy reserves
- how to have a more conscious influence on daily life
- how to recognize the roots of decisions and to change them if necessary
- how to deal more specifically with conflicts
- what makes them vulnerable and how they can prepare themselves against this
- to reinforce the desired behavioral patterns
- Intensive training
- Learning talks
- Experiences, experiments, working individually and in pairs